Begin with the end in mind.

– Steven Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


The two timeless quotes sums up clearly what makes us at Anant Wealth Solutions unique financial services & solutions partner for your financial well-being.

An investment in education always pays the highest returns

– Benjamin Franklin

When you plan for the worst, all surprises are the pleasant ones

– Robert Jordan, The Shadow Rising

These two quotes serve as our foundational principles and define our unique and holistic approach to helping our clients achieve the financial stability they seek now and in the future.

Prior to starting this company, when we set out to get our financial house in order, we came across many financial advisors who wanted to sell us on what they had- instead of focusing on our needs and wants. We weren’t satisfied, as we felt pushed to purchase a product instead of investing in our future…

Finally, we met a team of financial professional who helped us understand various financial concepts and provided solutions that exceeded our expectations. Taking that inspiration and guidance from this team as our mentors, we set up our sails, following the system and methodology we worked with as clients.

With laser-sharp focus on our client’s objectives, we have developed our holistic system that delivers stellar performance in protecting and maximizing their wealth. In this systematic approach we educate our clients on key financial concepts pertaining to their situation, then work with them in developing the goal-based vision of their wealth. Finally, we propose personalized solutions to achieve goals and track them year over year.

At Anant Wealth Solutions, we strive to establish life-time partnerships with our clients, so that we can advise on any course adjustments to ensure that we consistently meet our clients changing needs.

As licensed and independent financial service providers, we work with extensive portfolio of products from industry’s top rated companies. This helps us focus on our clients needs and design a customized plan for their financial well-being – bringing value to their money!


Unlocking Financial Freedom: My Journey from Teaching to Wealth Management

Imagine a world where everyone understands finance. This vision inspired my shift from teaching to digital marketing in the financial sector. Captivated by a friend’s financial knowledge, I realized the value of financial literacy and saw the potential to help others.

At Anant Wealth Solutions, we prioritize our clients’ well-being. We listen to their financial stories and goals, then offer tailored solutions. Our team is committed to earning their trust and providing effective financial guidance.

I partner with Shishir and Minaz Rege in expanding our reach through social media, ensuring more people benefit from our expertise. As licensed, independent financial professionals, we collaborate with various product providers to deliver the best options for our clients.

Join us at Anant Wealth Solutions, where your financial well-being is our mission. 

Let’s secure a prosperous future together.

Experience the Difference with Anant Wealth Solutions: Your Trusted Partner in Financial Success.



Most frequent questions and answers

Good question! The word Anant comes from ancient Sanskrit language and has several contextual meanings. One of that meaning is endless or abundance or infinity. We thought that wealth is in abundance and everyone deserves it. The value of abundance changes from person to person, for example, if you have certain amount of income coming in for your entire life, would you not retire to your dream destination? Exactly! And we are here to help you plan your definition of that abundance wealth. So, we figured Anant Wealth is apt for what we stand for.

As we focus on building the solid foundation for your financial stability, we offer products such as; Life Insurance policies like term life or cash value permanent life policies such as whole life and adjustable indexed universal life, annuities, long term care or disability insurance, estate planning, business insurance for buy-sell agreements, special needs insurance and the portfolio is growing.

Anant Wealth Solutions is owned by two licensed financial services professionals. We are independent, and not tied to any one company or financial product providers. That helps us truly focus on our clients needs such that we can find products that better match our clients than having to sell from the limited set of products.

We offer a wide range of financial services, and our portfolio continues to grow. Our services include planning for: survivor protection, wealth protection, mortgage protection, supplemental life-time retirement income, college education funding, disability and long- term care, estate planning and so on..

Additionally, if you feel you are well along you financial stability and you already have financial products specifically insurance and annuities, we would love to take a second look and explain you features available with your plan and what’s not available as well. So, you can make an educated decision what to do next. 

Our unique systematic approach is based on your needs. We are here to educate you first on key financial concepts, then we will walk you through creating your short term, long term, retirement, protection, diversification, college education goals that satisfy your needs. After that, we get to work for you creating your customized plan addressing your goals. If you like our proposals, we will help you get started working on your goals!

That is not all, we will meet with you at least annually to see how things are going and if we need to make any course corrections to stay on plan with changing needs.

Our primary focus is primarily making sure your financial life is healthy and you are prepared for the uncertainties of life. Our service to you is all free of charge.

Being independent financial services provider, we work with many product providers. If the solution we proposed fits you and you decide to obtain them, the product providers pay us a commission. That’s how we make money. It is a win-win for both of us- so we have your best interest on mind. 

Product providers:

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